Botox in Migraine Treatment

Medical Aesthetic

Migraine is the general name of headache symptoms, which manifests itself with attacks, mostly in the frotal and parietal lobes, which increase in frequency in first-degree relatives with a genetic predisposition in the etiology. It is often characterized by sensitivity to a physical stimulus. This physical stimulus is smell, light or sound. It is sometimes even accompanied by severe vomiting. Situations where the person can predict the future of migraine attacks are called Migraine with Aura. Migraine attacks negatively affect the social life of the person. Even in work, school or daily life, the person becomes unable to do his job before or during these attacks. He finds a quiet environment and seeks rest. On average, it takes at least half an hour to 45 minutes. In some patients, it may vary between 4 and 72 hours. The productivity of the person in business life decreases. School performance drops. It may cause him to avoid the activities he wants to do even in his social life. The basic mechanism of migraine disease is the tension of the synapses due to the increase in the amount of acetylcholine secreted from the neurotransmitter space during attacks. The main factors triggering migraines are hearing status, mood changes, stress, eating habits and consumption of chocolate and soy products.

Botox in Migraine Treatment

A new approach in the treatment of migraine is the application of botulinum toxin, which is used in the treatment of wrinkles. As a result of the realization that the headaches of migraine patients who had Botox decreased, Botox treatment was started to be used in migraine. As we mentioned about the cause of migraine, botox is the cessation of the inflammatory response by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters. Botox treatment in migraine is applied in the forehead, temples, nape and neck area. 50 or 100 units can be applied as a dose. In determining the dose, factors such as the level of migraine of the person, the condition during the attacks or the duration of the attacks, the age and social status of the person should be taken into consideration. After Botox treatment in migraine, the number of attacks decreases to a minimal level for 4 to 6 months.